The Life of a Course
Only "active" courses are published in the printed catalog and may be scheduled by the home academic department for a particular term session. The status of a course is determined in accordance with the following rules and procedures:
- An active course record will be created when the faculty approve a new course proposal. The description and other pertinent information contained in the proposal will be used to create both the master record for the course and the listing in the printed catalog.
- A course will be inactivated if the home department decides it will no longer be offered.
- The registrar will review catalog listings each year and inactivate those courses not taught within the last five years.
- A course will be reactivated and made available for scheduling at the request of the home department as long as the course was taught within the last 10 years.
- A department must ask the Committee on Instruction for approval to reinstate an inactive course that has not been taught in the last 10 years. The department should provide the committee with whatever information is currently being requested for new course approvals.