Microsoft 365 apps (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, One Drive, Teams, SharePoint Communication sites and much more are available for free to the Lawrence University Community.
Note: The availability of these applications and the OneDrive storage space is contingent on your student enrollment or employment with Lawrence. Upon graduation from Lawrence or end of your employment, these applications will no longer be available to you on your device.
The Microsoft 365 applications can be installed on up to five devices. To download follow the below steps:
- At your computer go to, click on Office 365
- Login with your username as follows: and your Lawrence password.
- Once you have logged into your Microsoft 365, the Apps will appear at the top of your webpage or click the app launcher from the top left corner to see.
- To download your Office Suite click "Install apps" from right edge. Choose from Microsoft 365 apps or other install options (use this for Apple options). This gives the option to install one single application or simply install the entire Office Suite on your computer.
- Go through the install process. Follow on screen instructions for setting up your applications.
- After installation is complete start Office and sign in with your and network password.
If you should have any issues with your installation please call 920-832-6570 or email the